Introducing Hoof Boots
Hoof boots come in a dizzying array of models that can be overwhelming for even veteran booters. Popular names include EasyCare, Scoot Boot, Renegade, Cavallo, Old Mac, and SoftRide.
Finding the right shoe for your Cinderella depends on a myriad of factors including: whether the boots are for riding, turnout or stall rest, what kind of riding you are doing, the shape and size of your horse's hooves, how they move, and even on your personal comfort applying and maintaining boots. At your boot fitting appointment, we will discuss all these factors and review the pluses and minuses of each option.
In general, hoof boots fall into three use categories: recreational riding, performance riding and therapeutic use. Liselle stocks a line of boots for each category; by no means are these the only options for your horse, but they are models Liselle has used on dozens of horses including her own. This working knowledge enables her to guide you to the boot that is best suited to your needs. If you decide to pursue a different style of boot, Liselle may be able to connect you with a rep for that boot who could perform a fitting and would love to hear back details on how you like your choice!
Let's look at the line of boots offered by WMF.
Recreational Riding: EasyBoot trail Original
Very popular choice for horses ridden 1-3 times per week, 1-2 hours per ride.
- Easy to apply, with large velcro tabs Low maintenence- no moving parts to replace.
- Pads may be added to improve fit or comfort, due to the enclosed boot design.
- Generous fit appeals to a range of foot shapes, making this a good choice for horses with upright heels or a tendency to flare.
- Large range of sizes from pony to warmblood.
Performance Riding: Renegade Classic
Used extensively by endurance riders, this boot is highly customizable and built for riding at speed across long distances in all-terrain situations.
- Two-part design allows the boot to flex with the horse on uneven terrain.
- Flexibility and internal padding eliminates chaffing on heel bulbs and coronary band.
- Open heel prevents capture and build-up of debris during muddy rides.
- Cable attachment allows the boot to be customized to accomodate longer toe horses.
Therapeutic Support: EasyBoot Cloud
The ultimate orthotic- thick cushioned support for horse suffering from pathologies like laminitis or chronic arthritis, or to provide support for horses recovering from an injury that requires stall rest.
- Can be worn 24-7 for limited periods of time.
- 1.5" thick, memory forming pad supports and protects the foot during recovery
- Easy to apply velcro allows the boot to be removed daily.
- The padding in this boot is wedged slightly to improve joint comfort.
We also carry a limited size range in two other styles of therapeutic boots including EasyBoot Rx and SoftRide. These boots are for rental only, and not available to purchase through the rent-to-own program.