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Short-term board
Short duration and seasonal boarding can be hard to find, because many larger facilities cater only to year-round residents. At Butterfield Farm, we are designed specifically to meet the needs of short termers. Our individual run-in design provide a safe setting for horses to stay and receive individualized care. Don't have a trailer? We offer transportation for your horse from our place to yours. Just ask for a quote when you book your stay.Rehabilitation Board
Horses suffering from pathologies like laminitis, founder, white line disease, acute thrush or abscesses sometimes need changes to their diet or turnout situation that can be challenging for owners to implement in the time frame required to initiate recovery. WE CAN HELP!! Perhaps your horse needs a week in a mud-free setting to recover safely from an abscess, or four months of specialized nutrition to reduce weight following a laminitis attack. We'll design an individualized stabling regime and nutritional program, and provide you with any help we can to make the changes in your own barn that will help you carry out the recovery process when your horse returns home.2024 CASE EXAMPLE: Left-side photos show remodeling of right hind over the course of a 4-week board period. Previously shod and suffering from a superating corn in the heel bar junction. Shoes pulled and hoof trimmed weekly, stabled on clean stone dust and sand surface. Hooves were booted continuously then intermittently to preserve comfort and promote movement during hoof-remodeling. Hoof soaked 2-3 times weekly with antiseptic and treated with artimud cream to promote healing in the seat of corn. Pictured on the right, sound for booted trail-riding one month later.2023 CASE EXAMPLE: This mare arrived with laminitis associated with PPID (Cushings). She is pictured below about 2 months later, significantly improved in body condition and soundness. She returned home home happy and healthy!2016 CASE EXAMPLE: The hooves pictured below belong to the gelding shetland on the right, whose founder on all four feet recovered sufficiently to become a driving pony.... pictured at the carriage trails Acadia in 2022.Recreation and Schooling
Come for a week, stay the whole month!! Many of you spend hours every day caring for your beloved hay burners, but for one reason or another you've gotten out of riding. And you want back in! You need a place where there are other horse folks around for support and companionship, where the arena and round pen are safe and accessible for that first time back in the saddle, and where you can saddle up and ride trails out the back gate. Treat yourself to a month of awesome riding this summer!